Christian Forum Archive

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Christian Forum

This is a page created as a result of great Christian testimonies we receive from time to time through the years. Many of these testimonies are so inspiring that we can't keep them to ourselves only. Hitherto, we have shared some of them with you through the email. Now, with a site on the web, we think the sharing should be wider through that medium. In addition, we intend to ask men of God, laymen or Pastors, to contribute some short articles on current local and world problems and the role Christians can play in helping to solve them. Some of the past stories and sermons in the archive are shown in the links above.

Home ] Up ] 7 Marks of a Christian ] Entertaining Angels ] How God Answers Prayers ] Refining Silver ] The Sandpiper ] The Perfect Mistake ] Victor And Obasanjo ] Who Is Your Daddy? ] Just A Quarter ] I Can Do All Things ] The Healing of the Paralytic ] A Gift of His  Love ] Give me this mountain ]

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