Tuwo in Hausa language means, ground meal from rice or corn. Kuka is dried and ground preparations from the baobab tree leaves. It is used for making soup. Translated to English, Tuwon Shinkafa with Miyan Kuka is "Rice ground meal with soup made from dried and ground baobab leaves".

The ingredients required are:

  • Ground Kuka powder (ready prepared and sold in the markets).

  • Pepper.

  • Onions.

  • Meat.

  • Tomatoes.

  • Salt and spices.

  • Cooking oil.

  • Ground rice.

Preparation of the Kuka Soup

Boil water in a sauce pan. Pour the Kuka powder into the boiling water. Stir vigorously to prevent lumping. Pour the Kuka powder into the boiling water.  Meanwhile, grind the tomatoes, onions and peppers and put aside. Cook the meat and fry in cooking oil. Mix the ground tomatoes and peppers with the boiling Kuka. Add salt and spices and lastly, add the fried meat. Let the soup simmer on low fire for awhile.


Preparation of the Rice Meal

Boil water in another sauce pan. Poor the ground rice into the boiling water slowly and stir. Lower the fire and allow the rice meal to cook well. Stir all the time to prevent burning.


To Serve

The rice meal (tuwon shinkafa) is served in a bowl with the soup (miyan kuka) poured over it. Eat while still hot and enjoy.


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