His Excellency

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A New Joke

His Excellency

A newly elected President, from a developing country, got an invitation from the Queen to come and visit her in England. One afternoon, while drinking tea, he asked the queen her success secret. She tells him that she relies on her people a lot and therefore she must be certain that they are intelligent.  She decides to show him exactly what she means and phones Tony Blair.

"Now listen carefully, Mr. President” she said as she pressed a button on the telephone so that he could hear both sides of the conversations, “I'm going to ask Mr. Blair a question to determine his intelligence".

Queen:  "Oh hello Mr. Blair, I have a question for you:  Your mother has a child, and your father has a child.  This child is not your brother and is not your sister.  Who is he?"

Tony Blair:  "It's ME."

Queen:  "Correct.  Thank you, Bye."

 “Did you get that Mr. President?" the queen asked. 

"Yes, Thanks a lot!  I'll definitely be using that!" 

Once back in his country he decides that he has doubts about his Prime Minister and he's going to ask him the question.

He arranges a meeting with him and asks him: "Mr. Prime Minister, I have a question for you: Your mother has a child, and your father has a child. This child is not your brother and is not your sister.  Who is it?"

 The Prime Minister thinks ... and he thinks,  "Em ... Your Excellency, you must give me some time to think about it".  And the President decides to give him a day to come up with the correct answer.

That afternoon, the Prime Minister calls a meeting to discuss the question and get an answer.  But NOBODY knows!!!  They drew up the Prime Minister’s family tree to no avail. The next morning, he realises that he has to give the President an answer and as a last resort, he decides to phone a fellow Prime Minister, Mr. Katinka, in another developing country.

 "My good friend, Mr. Katinka,  I have an important question for you: Your mother has a child, and your father has a child.  This child is not your brother and is not your sister.  Who is he?"

 Mr. Katinka answers immediately:  " Hey, It's me, of course".

The Prime Minister rushes to Mr. President’s office, very impressed to know the answer to such a difficult question!  "Your Excellency, I know who it is, it's my friend Mr. Katinka, Prime Minister of... The President cut him short and said “I am surprised you are not so intelligent as you pose to be. It is not Mr. Katinka. The Child is TONY BLAIR!"

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