Our Photo Gallery

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Photo Collections

If you are like us, you've probably come across some very riveting pictures that you'll never be able to erase from your mind. We find such pictures often on the Internet, magazines and other media. This new page will share our collections with our visitors. If you ever find similar interesting pictures that you'll like to share in this way, send them to us for display here. But don't forget to quote your source.


In addition, with the prompting of the younger members of our family we are rediscovering many forgotten photographs from the family albums and sharing them here with you. In this update, we have 60 (sixty) pictures re-grouped into ten collections. Each collection is labeled to reflect the type of photos in it. They are:

(1) War and Peace.

(2) Personalities.

(3) More personalities

(4) Disasters and Relief

(5) Family Album (extended family photos)

(6) Family Albums (marriage times)

(7) Family Albums (marriage times)

(8) Conference pictures

(9) Family Albums (From Yinka and Bisi)

(10) Photos from our Adventure at Oko, taken by Akin Adesina

In addition to the pictures in the Photo Gallery, there are some other 70 (seventy) family and arts photographs on other pages. The number is increasing with each update.

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